Mango For


In 2021, mangos were found on nearly 40% of all food menus — and since then, that number has only grown. Mango menu mania is taking over the U.S. little by little, and we’re here to provide curious foodservice professionals with the resources they need to ensure their customer base is able to taste the joy. Read on for recipe inspiration, culinary insights and much more.



Let’s start with the essentials.

What Goes With Mango?

Pretty much everything. Seriously, it’s incredible how many different ways you can add mango to a dish and create something completely new and delicious. Check out our take on all the mango flavor combinations we can think of — but don’t let us stop you from inventing your own!

Mango Yield & Cutting

There are so many ways to use this oh-so-versatile fruit – so you want make sure you get the most mango for your menu. Check out these resources on cutting and preparing mangos to yield as much joy as possible.

Year-Round Menu Promotions

With so many mouthwatering mango varieties available all year round, you can add mangos to your menu in tons of seasonally specific ways. Keep your menu fresh all year long with the addition of our favorite superfruit!



A community for chefs, created by chefs. Dive into the expertise of culinary professionals to learn a little more about how you can utilize mango in your kitchen.

Chef's Roll


Chef’s Roll is a global culinary community where professional chefs meet to share ideas and to get inspired through food. Check out these inspirational dishes created in collaboration with Chef’s Roll for innovative ways to add mango to your menu.

Culinary Institute of America


You know mango for its eye-catching color and delicious tropical flavor. Mango adds dimension to recipes – hot or cold, savory or sweet. As nutritious as it is delectable, it’s no wonder mango is one of the most popular fruits in the world. The year-round availability of fresh mango and its incredible versatility makes it easy to plan daily, monthly and seasonal menu specials.



Let’s talk mango – in person. Find all upcoming mango foodservice events here.



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