Find the latest research on mangos from the National Mango Board itself and other institutions, covering topics relevant to retail, foodservice, nutrition and general industry professionals. Learn from studies analyzing consumer attitudes, methods for thermal protection and ripening, and a variety of other resources from our growing Research Library.

Postharvest, Research Fact Sheets
Economic Impact Analysis of Mangoes Imported by the United States
Date Published: 12/12/2024
Institution: National Mango Board
Research/Author: Luis A. Ribera
Consumer/Retail, Research Fact Sheets
Mango Varieties & Availability
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: National Mango Board
Nutrition & Health
Changes in systolic blood pressure, postprandial glucose, and gut microbial composition following mango consumption in individuals with overweight and obesity
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: Université Laval
Research/Author: Justine Keathley, Michèle Kearney, Juan de Toro-Martín, Thibault V. Varin, Geneviève Pilon, Patrick Couture, André Marette, Marie-Claude Vohl, and Charles Couillard
Nutrition & Health
Gene expression signatures and cardiometabolic outcomes following 8-week mango consumption in individuals with overweight/obesity
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: Université Laval
Research/Author: Justine Keathley, Juan de Toro-Martín, Michèle Kearney, Véronique Garneau, Geneviève Pilon, Patrick Couture, André Marette, Marie-Claude Vohl, and Charles Couillard
Nutrition & Health
Effects of fresh vs dried mango consumption on satiety and postprandial glucose in healthy adults
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: San Diego State University
Research/Author: Candice Stamper, Sama Safandi, Andrew Gehr, Pia Asuncion, and Mee Young Hong
Nutrition & Health
Effects of fresh mango consumption on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adults
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: San Diego State University
Research/Author: Martin Rosa Jr, Sherry Pinneo, Celeste O'Mealy, Michelle Tsang, Chanqi Liu, Mark Kern, Shirin Hooshmand, and Mee Young Hong
Strategies for Fresh-Cut Mango Preservation — Literature Review
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: Fundação de Pesquisas Florestais do Paraná
Research/Author: Dr. Francine Cuquel and Dr. Volnei Pauletti
Optimizing Fresh-Cut Packaging
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: QFresh Lab
Research/Author: Jeffrey S. Brandenburg and Eric Vandercook
Food Safety, Production
Mango Malformation Disease and Witches Broom — Literature Review
Date Published: 07/17/2024
Institution: The Volcani Institute
Research/Author: Dr. Stanley Freeman