During this webinar we will learn about the key initiatives, upcoming campaigns, and innovative approaches designed to drive the continued success and growth of the National Mango Board’s mission.
Date: October 24, 2024
Presenter – Michael Wilber
During this webinar we will discuss the recently approved Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water Rule and how it impacts the mango industry. Additionally, we will provide tips and best practices for the implementation of the new rule in mango farms in Latin American and the Caribbean.
Date: September 25th, 2024
Presenter: Dr. Sergio Nieto-Montenegro
During this webinar, we will discuss the FDA’s Food Traceability Final Rule and how it impacts the mango industry. The webinar will also describe tools developed by the National Mango Board to raise awareness about the implementation of the new rule in the mango industry. These tools include: three animated videos describing the rule, a quick guide on the FSMA traceability requirements, and a traceability guide for mango growers, packers and importers that will help companies understand and implement the rule.
Date: August 28, 2024
Panelist: Dr. Sergio Nieto-Montenegro
During this webinar we will discuss the effects of irrigation management and calcium-based fertilization on the fruit quality of ‘Kent’, ‘Ataulfo’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango cultivars, especially relating to fruit dry mass.
Date: May 29, 2024
Panelist: Dr. Ítalo Herbert Cavalcante
During this webinar we will discuss the strategies available for fresh-cut mango preservation.
Date: June 25, 2024
Panelist: Dr. Francine Cuquel
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During this webinar we will discuss the equipment available for the fresh-cut mango industry, including descriptions and intended uses.
Date: April 17, 2024
Panelists: Jeffrey Brandenburg and Eric Vandercook
During this webinar we will describe Witches-Broom and Mango Malformation disease, including their causal agents, symptomology, etc., and we will propose management practices for both diseases in the tropical and subtropical climates.
Date: April 4, 2024
Panelist: S. Freeman
A webinar about the technology validation project to avoid irregular flowering in four mango varieties.
Date: February 29, 2024
Panelist: Dr. Maria Hilda Pérez Barraza
In this webinar the basic content of the Final Traceability Standard was reviewed. In addition, the implications that the Standard has for the mango industry was explained with practical examples.
Date: February 14, 2023
Panelist: Dr. Sergio Nieto-Montenegro
During this webinar we discuss optimal package designs for fresh-cut mango, with the goal of extending and optimizing fresh cut mango shelf life.
Date: September 19, 2023
Panelist: Jeff Brandenburg, Eric Vandercook
During this webinar we discuss how conditions before and after hydrothermal treatment affect the development of caverns in the pulp of mangos, and how to avoid them.
Date: October, 17, 2023
Panelist: Dr. Reginaldo Báez Sañudo
During this webinar we discuss the impact of applying different water quantities at different phenological states in maximizing yield, reducing alternate bearings, and increasing water-use efficiency.
Date: November 9, 2023
Panelist: Adolfo Levin
During this webinar we discuss what is anthracnosis, how it can be detected and identified, and how it can be managed in mango orchards.
Date: December 14, 2023
Panelist: Rafael Gómez
Relationship between heat units and ripening; and the efficacy of the F-751 tool to detect the dry matter content non-destructively for all 4 main varieties.
Date: December 15, 2022
Panelist: Dr. Jorge Osuna (INIFAP)
Value added mango has seen significant growth in the United States in recent years, especially in the areas of fresh-cut, frozen, dried mango, puree, and juice. Mango industry experts in each of these categories will give an overview of how their sector has evolved in recent times and what they expect for the future.
Date: October 21, 2022
Join the National Mango Board to learn strategies and tactics
to grow your business with mango. What you’ll learn:
Date: June 30, 2020
Panelists: Angela Serna, Mike Kostyo (Datassential), Jason Hernandez (Blade & Tine Culinary Consulting) and Tim Beerup (Beerup, Inc.)
2020 has been far from normal, and marketing strategies have had to shift to reflect an unforeseen disruption to our normal lives. Learn how an unexpected year has changed the retail landscape as we know it, and how marketing needed to pivot to meet demands- and keep brands afloat.
Date: August 18, 2020
Panelists: Manuel Michel (NMB), Tricia Bramley (NMB) and Adrian Tennant (Bigeye)