In Like a Lion, Out Like a Mango

We have a confession – our offices at the National Mango Board are in sunny Florida. And while we experienced a slight cold snap over the winter, we really can’t complain. And with that, some of us had never heard the saying, “In like a lion, out like a lamb,” describing March weather.

If you’re like us, it means that most of the United States is still dealing with brutal cold at the beginning of March (like a lion), but it’s warmed up and temperate by the end of the month (like a lamb). It’s debated where this proverb originated, but it dates back as early as 1732. Today, it’s a popular children’s book, song and classroom bulletin board theme.

Lion Pizza with Mango Slices

While we’re waiting for more lamb-like conditions, let’s celebrate the ferocious weather with a mango lion pizza. This is a fun recipe for you and your kids to make together, and can be adapted to include all your favorite pizza ingredients – but we recommend keeping the mango for a tropical twist.

Let our mango recipes carry you through the remainder of winter with visions of brighter, warmer days in your future. Hang in there – spring will be here soon.