The National Mango Board is Now Accepting Board Nominees
The National Mango Board (NMB) is encouraging mango industry leaders to participate in the upcoming new board member nominations process. By actively participating, board members will have the opportunity to shape the future direction of NMB programs in upcoming years. The NMB is currently seeking nominations for six board member positions to serve a three-year term beginning January 2020. The positions currently open are: one importer in District III, two importers in District IV, and three foreign producers. Candidates must meet certain requirements to be eligible and be willing to serve the mango industry by fulfilling board member roles and responsibilities.
The NMB is made up of 18 mango industry members – importers, a first handler, domestic producers and foreign producers who dedicate themselves to the NMB mission to increase consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S. through innovative research and promotional activities, while also fostering a thriving industry. Board members work closely with the NMB staff to carryout marketing, research and communications programs to benefit the mango industry.
The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture ultimately appoints new board members from a final slate of nominees. For each importer, domestic producer, and first handler position, two nominees will be forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture. To narrow the selection of nominees to the two required for submission, mango industry members in the respective district will vote to select the two nominees per position for the Secretary of Agriculture to choose.
Foreign producer nominations will be submitted by mango foreign producing organizations or themselves. All nominations for these positions will be forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture for a final decision on the appointments.
Mango industry members who are interested in serving as a member of the NMB should visit for complete details, updates, and the necessary forms. Nominations must be received at the NMB office no later than February 20, 2019. Questions about the nominations and appointment process can be directed to Anna Deschamps-Polonia at or by phone at 407-629-7318 x112.
The NMB encourages industry members without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, size of business/operation, and marital or family status or other basis protected by U.S. law, to participate in NMB activities and seek a position on the NMB.
Click here for the full release.
About the National Mango Board
The National Mango Board is an agriculture promotion group supported by assessments from both domestic and imported mangos. The board’s vision, for mangos to move from being an exotic fruit to a daily necessity in every U.S. household, was designed to drive awareness and consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S. marketplace. One cup of the superfruit mango contains 100 calories, 100% of daily vitamin C, 35% of daily vitamin A, 12% of daily fiber, and an amazing source of tropical flavor. Learn more at