Pamper Yourself with Mangos

Combat the cold winter months with a do-it-yourself spa day centered around our favorite fruit – mangos! Not only does eating a mango transport you to warmer days on the beach, but the fruit is high in vitamin C, which is required for collagen formation, and contains vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy skin.

Start your mango spa right with a tasty mango mimosa. The combination of mango puree, mint, and champagne will leave you relaxed for a day of relaxation.

DIY Mango Face Mask
Image Credit: In Sonnet’s Kitchen

Don’t put your blender away yet – you can also make your own face mask from mango puree. This easy three ingredient mask puts the mango directly on your skin to help you feel refreshed. If you have sensitive skin, use caution when trying this recipe.

Mango Protein Smoothie

While you’re letting the mask soak in to your skin and hair, try a mango protein smoothie. The peanut butter provides protein and plenty of energy, and the fresh mango’s  fiber will keep you feeling full faster.