Assessments are collected on whole, fresh mangos at the rate of ¾ cent per pound. Assessments on imported mangos are collected at the border via U.S. Customs and then forwarded to the National Mango Board. Assessments on domestically grown mangos should be paid directly to the National Mango Board. Click here for detailed instructions and necessary form.
U.S. mango industry members who grow or handle fewer than 500,000 lbs. of fresh whole mango in a particular year may be eligible for an exemption from paying assessments. In order to qualify for this exemption, you must have an Exemption Certificate. Click here for detailed instructions and application.
Domestic mangos that are exported will not be assessed and Importers and First handlers who receive a certificate of exemption are eligible for reimbursement of any assessments paid. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the NMB. Click here for detailed instructions and necessary form.